Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Revive Small Group 8.3.14

Ham and Cheese Slider recipe from our (un)Pool Party. Click here

September- Class Prayer Time  4:30-6:30

Shalanda C. has breakfast this Sunday Aug. 10th

Summer Schedule

  August 6: No activities.
August 10. Promotion Sunday 

August 13: Fall Term of Wednesday Night Life begins.

The Wednesday Night Life Fall Term begins Wednesday, August 13. This is our mid-week fellowship and discipleship time, designed for the whole family. Adults can attend a class or serve in the choir or orchestra. Children learn about worship and missions in an active, fun environment. Students grow deep in their faith at student worship. Don’t forget the Fellowship Meal served 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. where you can enjoy dinner with your family. Most classes begin at 6:30 p.m.  Register here.

Prayer Points

Week of August 3
Prayer is the essential work for every real church. We want to encourage you to pray for the needs of the Hunter Street family. This week pray for…

As the new school year approaches, many of our Small Group teachers and Discipleship leaders are preparing to teach new groups of preschoolers, children and teenagers. Ask God to give these teachers and leaders great wisdom and insight as they lead, teach and disciple the children and youth of our church. There are several place where teachers and leaders are needed. Ask God to raise up adults who would be willing and wanting to serve in these areas.

Our college students will soon be returning to their respective campuses. Ask God to give them safe travel and a smooth transition to college life. Pray for them to find a church home that faithfully teaches and preaches the Word. Pray also that they would remain grounded in their faith, that they would develop Christian friendships, and that God would give them opportunities to be a witness on their campus.

Pray that our church families will be faithful in the stewardship of time, talent, and resources. As we begin a new school year, now is a great time for our church members to renew their commitment to biblical stewardship. Ask God to pour out his blessing on our church so that we may continue to advance the gospel here and around the world.

Clothing Drive

August 17
Do you have gently worn clothing you no longer wear? Our Canopy Ministry, along with The Foundry, is having a clothing collection drive August 17. Gather your usable donations and have them ready to bring. A trailer from The Foundry will be staffed and in our parking lot that weekend.

Date Nite PLUS

New for parents!
Date Nite PLUS is two Friday night dates with your spouse… PLUS one Friday night where you and your family serve other families of our church. This is not about changing diapers. It’s not just another parent’s night out.

Date Nite PLUS gives you a date night with your spouse to reconnect and strengthen your marriage. In turn, it’s a chance for you to serve, so other Hunter Street couples can invest in their marriages.

We’re gearing up for our first Date Nite PLUS on August 15…so now’s the time to sign up. Friday, November 7 and Friday, February 27, 2015 are the other two dates in this three-date package. You and your spouse will care for/play with grade school age children while toddlers/babies will be cared for by our nursery care workers. Click here to register.

Women On Mission

August 14
Now Meeting on the Second Thursday. Women On Mission is an organization for women of all ages. We pray for and give to missions, actively participate in missions, learn about missions and grow spiritually toward a missions lifestyle. Join us August 14 as we hear more about “The Path of Prayer.” No reservations are required. Come at 10:00 a.m. to Room E200 and plan to stay for lunch ($5) at 11:30 a.m. Contact Carol Adkins, 205.481.3780 if you have questions. For childcare, contact Mary Beth Rush.

Weekend Mission Teams To NYC

Girls....let's go to NYC! :-)

Hunter Street continues to partner with church planters in New York City to share the gospel.
Three teams will be taking long weekend trips to New York in September and October. All will help with community events as well as continue to build relationships with locals in the Yorkville area.

The first trip, September 5-8, will be led by Elliot DeVore.Spencer Knight will lead the second trip in late September. Mark Stewart will lead the third trip in mid October. If you are interested, please contact the team leader for more information.

What’s Your Story

Everyone has a story.
How has God worked in your life? Tell us how you’ve experienced Real Church – how you BELONG, GROW, SERVE, TELL, or WORSHIP.


Jamie starts her new ministry job this week!
Eliana starts her new teaching job this week as well!
Prayer Requests

Pray for Jamie as she starts her new job. 
Pray for Eliana as she starts her new job. The family has moved to Gadsen so pray for them as they transition in new jobs, community etc. Pray for house to sell and them to find a house there.

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