Sunday, September 14, 2014

Revive Small Group 9.14.14

Have you entered to take the REAL challenge?Click HERE to sign up now and get your challenge started. 

Sunday September 21st- Has science disproved God? Or do new scientific discoveries actually provide compelling support for faith? According to a recent survey, 55% of American adults believe that “science and religion [are] often in conflict.” This same attitude can be found among young adults. Nearly a third of young adults with a Christian background say “churches are out of step with the scientific world we live in,” and a quarter of them think “Christianity is anti-science.”

Join us at the Hunter Street Student Building for the Science and Faith Simulcast on September 21 from 5:45 to 8:00 p.m. This is a worldwide simulcast event that will be of interest to everyone, but it will be especially helpful for parents and their middle school, high school, and college-age children. Childcare is available by reservation only, birth to K-5, by contacting Mary Beth Rush.

The simulcast features Oxford University Professor John Lennox and New York Times bestselling author Stephen Meyer, two of today’s leading speakers and writers on the intersection between science and faith. The simulcast will be emceed by bestselling author Eric Metaxas, whose speaking style has been described as “a combination of edgy wit, charm, inspiration, evangelization, [and] thoughtfulness,” making him a highly sought after public speaker, especially on college campuses.
Sunday Sept 28th Scripture Cards for Graces Kitchen/Class Prayer Time  4:30-6:30 at Church RM E106

Wed. October 29th- Trunk or Treat/ We have decided participate and to be PRINCESSES as a class.   (Sons and Daughters of the King)   I bought 720 of pixie sticks and we can begin decorating them to look like princess wands and Prince Ceptors soon. START putting together your Tiara's and dresses.

Saturday Dec 6th- Class Holiday Party and Mission

breakfast this Sunday Sept 21st is Jamie

African Children's Mission
  • ACM stands for African Children’s Mission ( and is a ministry to children in Uganda and Kenya in East Africa. ACM was founded by a Hunter Street Family and we consistently send teams to Uganda to serve on mission with the kids at the ranch.
  • Our goal is to provide as many Christmas Stockings for kids as possible. It takes $25/stocking to provide for each child. The $ will provide the following for the kids: Mosquito Net, Soap, Handkerchief, Crayons, Pencils, Pens, Notebooks, Eraser, Candy, Backpack, & Christmas party supplies. (Malaria is a huge threat  and the mosquito net provides much needed protection from this disease that affects almost 50% of the population)
  • We have pictures and bios on the kids there in Uganda and each class has the opportunity to select the child they would like to provide for. Our hope is that you will write letters and draw/make artwork to send along with their Christmas Stockings.
  • Families also have the opportunity to select a child or children to provide Christmas Stockings for. If your family is interested, just let Jamie Barnhart know. 
  • We will wrap up this effort at the end of September.

Prayer Requests


Donna- Pray for her dad who has a cracked vertebrae. 
Pray also about a job interview for Registrar at SSCE!

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