Monday, February 23, 2015

Revive Small Group 2.22.15

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1

 Ann Voskamps link for Lent  #Peopleofthecross #pray703

***Andrea Warren has breakfast 


Serve Class.  
Discover how God has gifted you to serve where you live, work, worship and play. The serve class is next Sunday, March 1st at 4pm in E306. Visit to register and get your password for the serve survey.

Reception Honoring David Devane
Sunday March 1st there will be a reception honoring David and his family in the gym from 9am-12noon. David will be worship pastor at River Oaks in Virginia.

Night of Worship March 11

Join the Hunter Street family for a night of worship on Wednesday, March 11. We will take a break from our normal Wednesday Night Life schedule to sing and pray together, to ordain new deacons, and to talk more about what it means for Hunter Street to experience renewal. Our children’s choirs will …
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DNow is March 6-8

Awaken 2015
Students stay in host homes and participate in Bible study, worship, service projects and have a great time, all with one purpose – to help them grow to be m…
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Starting Point March 1

Learn the foundations of the Christian faith, some basic information about Hunter Street and our denomination and a little history of our church in this class. It’s a relaxed, informative session led by our pastor, Buddy Gray. It's for those who want to learn more about our church and what it means…
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Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest

Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church


Prayer Requests

Andrea- prayers for wellness in their home. 
Leslie- Blake went to new Dr. and got med change and doing great!  

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