Monday, March 9, 2015

Revive Small Group 3.8.15


 Psalm 56:3-4  (ESV)

When I am afraid,
    I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
    in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
    What can flesh do to me?

Breakfast- Carin B. 

  Dinner at Brittnie's soon

Easter Services are April 5th at 8am, 9:30 and 11am. There will not be a 7am service this year.

Night of Worship March 11

Join the Hunter Street family for a night of worship on Wednesday, March 11. We will take a break from our normal Wednesday Night Life schedule to sing and pray together, to ordain new deacons, and to talk more about what it means for Hunter Street to experience renewal. Our children’s choirs will …
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Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest

Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church


Prayer Requests

Jamie and some test results
and money for Uganda trip! 

Shalanda- job provision


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