Monday, April 6, 2015

Revive Small Group 4.5.15

I hope you all had a HAPPY EASTER!!!


  Dinner at Brittnie's Saturday April 11th! 

Get plugged into Wednesday Night Life! click here. 

Tori and Abby have Breakfast this Sunday!
Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest
Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church


Prayer Requests

Andrea W. - Her friend Jenny is having surgery. 
Andrea C. - Aunt Beverly has lymphoma
Brittnie- Pray for the Tibbs family. Father died Saturday. 
Carin- procedure on heart again Friday April 10th. Pray for the Dr.s who will perform the surgery.


Shalanda- Got a job! 

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