Monday, August 1, 2016

Revive Ladies Small Group- 8.1.16


How is it August 1st?

Here are the announcements for this week. 

1. Wednesday Night Life Starts Aug. 17th. Go here to register.
***Also....if you are interested in coming to our new women's ministry trial run called The Table during WNL please let me know. It's 6 weeks of women's fellowship and scripture talk in E305/307. 

2. Marriage Conference- at Shades Mountain. GO HERE

Starting Point is where membership begins at Hunter Street. It is a relaxed, informative gathering for those who want to learn more about our church and what it means to be a member. The class is led by our Pastor Buddy Gray...

Prayer Requests
Crystal- Friend has to undergo Surgery for a 3rd time- Pray for healing.
Jacqueline- Friend is 6 mo pregnant and in preterm labor. -Pray for safety of baby and mom.

Breakfast is Shannon Prado

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