Monday, August 10, 2015

Review Small Group August 9th 2015

NO Wednesday night activities this week. 

Promotion Sunday- This Sunday

Sunday, August 16 is Promotion Sunday. This is the day all preschool, children, and students will promote to their new grade-level classrooms. It’s a great time for children, as well as adults, to experience the fellowship and discipleship of Small Groups. 

Wednesday Night Life

A new semester of fellowship and discipleship begins August 19. Adults can choose to serve in the choir or orchestra or attend a discipleship class. Students and preteens meet for worship and teaching. Children and preschoolers learn songs and do missions activities. Dinner for everyone is served 4:45 to 6:15pm in the Gym. Moe’s Southwest Grill is on the menu August 19. See the complete class schedule and register online today.

Route 56, Higher Ground and Chi Alpha

Sunday night choirs and discipleship will kick off in a few weeks. Route 56 (grades 5 and 6), Higher Ground (grades 7 and 8), and Chi Alpha (grades 9-12) choirs begin on Sunday night, August 23. These student groups rehearse each week and include several worship leading opportunities throughout the year.
Chi Alpha begins at 4:00pm. Everything else starts at 4:30pm.

Starting Point Sunday, August 23

Find out what it means to belong to our church in this class led by our pastor, Buddy Gray. You’ll learn the foundations of the Christian faith, as well as basic information about Hunter Street and our denomination. Starting Point is a requirement for membership.
At the end of the class, you will have an opportunity to join our church family. Dress is casual and everyone is fed. Childcare is provided for birth-grade 6. Middle and High School students may attend the class with their parents or on their own.

Keeping Kids Safe Online

It starts with the device
Some parents will say, “I don’t let my child have a computer or TV in their room but an iPod Touch, iPad or tablet is fine.” If the devise can be connected to Wi-Fi then your child can access any social network.
Start the conversation
Technology today is about connecting to other people in faster, simpler ways. As parents we need to strive to connect and communicate with our children face-to-face and heart-to-hear to help our children use their devices in a safe and responsible manner.
Parent Chat founders Matt McKee and Adam Duckworth will lead this fast-paced two-hour seminar every parent will want to attend.
Just consider the impact social media and the Internet have on our children:
  • “38% of kids under 2 years old use smartphones or tablets and 70$ of teens age 13-17 now use smartphones.”
  • “80% of parents have no idea how to monitor their kid’s online activities.”
  • “46% of teens said they would change their online behavior if they knew their parents were paying attention.”
  • Parent Chat is free, but we’d love to know if you are coming. Sign up here.  Have a question? Contact Andy Wilbanks, minister to children.
Prayer Requests

Brittnie- Pray for Jeff's mom as she's been in the hospital with some heart complications.  
Mesha- Pray for her job situation. 
Abby- Pray for the finishing and updating of condo to move in. 
Tori- sprained her ankle while working on condo. 
Donna- pray for her mom and sister who are caring for 2 elderly folks who broke leg and hip. 

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