Monday, November 2, 2015

Revive Small Group Nov. 1, 2015

Joy to the World Women's Ministry Event

Tickets are $15 at the Ticket table in Gathering Place.
Enjoy dinner, see Christmas decorating ideas, and hear testimonies at the Joy To The World women’s event. We’ll collect gifts for Sav-a-Life and Hunter Street’s Orphan Care Ministry. Childcare, birth-grade 6, is available upon request. The ticket deadline is November 8.

Family Thanksgiving Gathering

Bring your family to our annual Thanksgiving celebration. From 4:45 to 6:15pm, we’ll serve a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner. Then families will come together in the Worship Center for a service of music, testimonies, and scripture. Childcare will be available for infants and preschool children.

Giving Christmas Catalogs
Prayer Requests

Leslie- Pray for her foot to heal and wisdom in an upcoming decision. 

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