Monday, May 11, 2015

Revive Small Group 5.10.15

Celebration Sunday has arrived! NO SMALL GROUP! Just meet by 10:00am this Sunday at the back of the Pete Hanna Center (Samford) and we'll plan to sit together during the service.
Pre-service starts at 10 and regular service starts at 10:30am. See the map here. 

Baccalaureate Service Wednesday Night 6:30 in Worship Center. All adults and students 7th grade and up! All other students will meet in regular classes.

Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest
Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church

Prayer Requests
Andrea- prayer for upcoming mission trip to Yorkville
Eliana as she travels home from Brazil. 
Tori- condo finalizing
Abby- Upcoming Italy trip
Cindy- dad's demtia

Tori got engaged! and a new job!

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