Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Revive Small Group 5.24.15

Verse of the week. 
Prayer Requests
Andrea C. (the one with the rake)needs prayer for her mission trip and connection with former lady she ministered to.
pray also for Brad Bradley's sister who is having a baby. 

Carin- pray for her surgery on broken ankle.

Shalanda- pray for the two ladies that left Bethany home.

Trina- pray for ability to continue to work from home with all her little ones.

Eliana- please lift up in prayer Kennedy Neiva, my cousin's husband. Kennedy is about 50 years old. He has advanced stage of leukaemia. They live in Brazil. Tomorrow (5/25) he is having surgery to drain his sinus which is compromising cancer treatment. His immune system is very debilitated, so this surgery will tough on his body. Pray for quick healing, no complications, peace and strength for my cousin Gilvania and their two young daughters, Geovanna (12) and Ana Julia (10).

Eliana got rehired in her job@
Saw God move in big ways in Brazil!
Trina- her 5 year old graduated from kindergarden.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Revive Small Group 4.19.15

Memory Verse for the week 
Cindy has breakfast. 

RENEW YOUR COMMITMENT! You should have received your packet in the mail and you have until May 17th to prayerfully recommit to renewing your membership with our church family. 
 CHURCH PICNIC is on May 3rd. ONLY 2 worship services at 8 and 9:30 and NO Small groups this day! The picnic will be at Tannehil from 10-4pm.  Bring a picnic lunch or share a covered dish. 
CELEBRATION Sunday May 17th at Samford University- Pick up your information packet!
Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest
Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church

Prayer Requests

Tori- Financial approval on condo.
Abby- recital Thursday! 
Leigh- Andrea and Wade travel safety during trip to Paris for Anniversary.
Carin- continued prayers for recovery after heart surgery and for a better outcome!!
Carol- prayers for Jared
Cindy- brother moving with parents  
and last but certainly not least.....the class duck face challenge is finished. 
Who do you think nailed it best?


Monday, April 13, 2015

Revive Small Group 4.12.15


Jenni has breakfast. 

RENEW YOUR COMMITMENT! You should have received your packet in the mail and you have until May 17th to prayerfully recommit to renewing your membership with our church family. 
 CHURCH PICNIC is on May 3rd. ONLY 2 worship services at 8 and 9:30 and NO Small groups this day! The picnic will be at Tannehil from 10-4pm.  Bring a picnic lunch or share a covered dish.
Journey Off The Map at Summer Quest
Summer Quest is Hunter Street's version of Vacation Bible School. It's for all boys and girls who will have completed grades 1-6.  You don't have to be a church member to attend.
  • When:  We’ll meet 8:30 am to 12:30 pm Monday through Friday, June 1-5
  • Where:  Hunter Street Baptist Church

Prayer Requests

Abby- fever and not feeling well.Also her recital is coming up on April 23rd! 
Jamie B. Selling Condo and buy a house. 
Carin- continued prayers for recovery after heart surgery and for a better outcome!!

 Tori got a condo! 
Carin- surgery went well and felt much better this time during recovery!

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